That One “Little” Thing

Daniel Mangena
4 min readJan 7, 2020


Here is a simplified look at My flow funnel in action

Happy Tuesday!

I have seen a lot of BS over the last 24 hours or so that has, well got my back up a little.

Suffice to say, I am a getting more and more frustrated at how hard people work to sell the lie that you don’t have to work.

Just feel great and everything will be ok” — Good one mate…

I apologise for bursting this lovely little bubble for you, but

“Vibration must be preceded by intention, and met with a belief in the possibility and a readiness to receive.” — Daniel Mangena

Check out this extract from my best selling book, Stepping Beyond Intention, That will empower you to truly break free of lack in your life and choose an abundant, joyful and purpose driven life.

The Beyond Intention Flow Funnel

Since ancient times, sacred texts have referenced the triumvirate of the mind, body, and soul. Today we have many variants upon the same idea; spiritual, mental, and physical; thoughts, actions, and feelings; heaven, hell, and earth.

I first shared the flow funnel model and its relationship to the Beyond Intention paradigm in my Micro2Millions group coaching program. It was there, in relation to creating financial abundance, that I saw how well this idea could support our students in understanding how our intentions show up in the world, as well as what happens behind the curtain when it does not.

It’s important to recognize that if ancient wisdom is correct, the power of choice to create an outcome resides in creating an alignment of our energy/emotions, with our mindset/beliefs, and with our actions within our physical environment. Every thought that is free of resistance in how we feel, what we believe, and what we do shows up for us as an exact science. The outcomes that do not appear in our life become stuck or blocked in one or more of those areas.

As we move through our lives, lives that are faced with constant obstacles and challenges, the real work is inconsistently choosing to be in alignment with our intention; therefore, it’s integral to have a framework to do so. As we take our students and clients through any of our coaching, workshops, courses, or programs, this is the foundational skill.

While I go into greater detail on the flow funnel in much of my content on YouTube, I also have several podcast episodes dedicated to its deeper understanding. For the purpose of this book, however, I would like to give you a basic understanding, specifically in its relation to the work of Beyond Intention.

Essentially there are three environments or three levels of density, that thought descends through en route to becoming the physical matter we experience with our senses. They are the:

· Sprit or Energy Environment

· Mental Environment

· Physical Environment

The Energy Environment is where we connect with spirit and energy. We generally relate to this environment with our senses and feelings. Therefore, in Beyond Intention, we say that once we have our intention, we must be able to FEEL it. So the Flow Funnel invites us to take our intention through a deliberate journey of:

1. INTENDING: Choose a thought

2. FEELING: Use your heart to feel the thought/intention. Connect to the feelings of the experience that are aligned to the outcome of the intention you have chosen to experience.

3. BELIEVING: See or mentally rehearse in your mind’s eye the possibility of the thought/intention. What you are doing is mentally observing the occurrence or fruition of the intention before you experience it.

4. ACTING: Act in accordance with your beliefs with regard to how you must come to the experience. This creates alignment with your inner world. You achieve this by acting as if the intention has already manifested. To act as such is to live in a state of positive expectation — it’s to have gratitude for the outcome of the potential. Now you simply need to connect to that intention, as opposed to living in fear or lack that it will not come to be (more on this later).

Intend, Feel, Believe, Act…then Experience

Again, this is a very quick exploration of the model. In other areas of our work, we specifically demonstrate how to use the Beyond Intention paradigm to remove the resistance that prevents the fruition of the experience. For our most comprehensive online program that addresses this model, check out our “Create Your Ideal Life” online program at Or better yet, join Beyond Intention University to get access to all of our online programs for free.

It is important to remember that although the spiritual, mental, and physical environments that bring intention into matter/reality are stacked on each other from a position of dependence, in actual execution they are much more fluid and interconnected. In truth, just as time is an illusion, or more so — a collective belief agreed upon by the masses — we might perceive that the journey through the funnel happens

P.S. When you are ready there are some further ways that my team and I can support you on your journey

*Join my free Facebook group for exclusive free content, live coaching videos, challenges, and uplifting community

*Join Beyond Intention University (“BIU”) for just $1 -”BIU” is our new and improved membership program that gives group coaching, access to our online programs, monthly classes and online support for less than your coffee budget”

*Ready to talk group or one to one coaching? Book your free, no obligation discovery call HERE



Daniel Mangena

Speaker, best selling author, creator of the "Beyond Intention" paradigm and host of the "Do it with Dan" podcast. Insta: @dreamerCEO