Question Time…

Daniel Mangena
7 min readDec 17, 2019

Happy Tuesday folks! I wanted to share some responses that I gave to questions asked of me on the Q&A site, For a while, these questions formed the basis for the Q&A episodes on my Podcast, but looking at this selection of questions, I was called to share them with you today.

These posted responses are very much a summary of the full response given on the podcast, as as these are the verbatim responses that I posted to Quora, the link to the relevant episode is given with each reply below.

Much love to you, and if you feel any connection to this then please do send check out and subscribe to my podcast. You can also send in questions to be answered via email to q&

Why do so many people fail to achieve their goals outside of work, yet manage to be perfectly adequate employees for decades?

Many people manage to be successful employees for decades because we are all well-trained machines when it comes to working. But not in other areas of our lives. For example, many fail at having wonderful relationships. Reason being is an internal disconnect in their beliefs. People fail because they don’t believe they have what it takes to sustain a wonderful relationship as opposed to succeeding 20–30 years in work. The supportive environment needed to succeed is there with work and almost nonexistent outside of work.

Succeeding in other areas of life requires a lot of work. If you are just doing the same thing over and over again, you’re not going to change. More so, succeed. In Beyond Intention, we teach you how to break the bad habit of making disempowering choices. The bottom line is that the alignment is there with work, but not in other areas of our lives.

But it can be fixed.

Thank you for your question, I actually answered this on my podcast and invite you to have a listen. I also have free strategy calls available that you can book HERE.

What strategies, tactics or methods have you used to delay gratification in your life?

Delayed gratification is such a big thing. Sometimes, we don’t get what we want in life because we are not prepared to delay gratification.

For example, if you want to start a business you might need to live a lifestyle that you are not comfortable with in order to put all the resources you can into the business you’re building. You might forego going out with friends, that holiday, or that shopping trip.

Here’s the bottom line:

You can only get to the other side of fear or whatever you are working on in life if you have sufficient reason to wait for the outcome you wanted. If you don’t have this leverage, you are most likely to quit and settle for less. You cannot create the outcome that you are not energetically connected to.

The beauty of delayed gratification is that later, you will have everything you sacrificed and more because you’ve reached the end goal that you are seeking.

Thank you for your question, I actually answered this on my podcast and invite you to have a listen. I also have free strategy calls available that you can book HERE.

What are some things you do to get motivated on Mondays?

First things first, Monday is just another day. If you are living your life waiting for another day, you are living in a disempowered state because the future doesn’t exist. Focus on the moment. Check your actions and your decisions to see if they are in alignment with the outcome you want to see. You must have a clear idea on what your life would look like in its final form and then live every day according to that vision.

What is demotivation? It means that you are not energetically aligned with what you want. Since we are humans, there will always be cases where we feel demotivated. But that should not last more than 90 seconds. If it lasts longer than that, then you’re being a punk with your vision — — you are not committed enough to live the life you want.

Don’t allow demotivation to get into you. Always make that conscious choice to stay motivated. Once you get used to it, you will no longer have to exert a lot of effort because your brain is already programmed to stay motivated ALL the time.

Thank you for your question, I actually answered this on my podcast and invite you to have a listen. I also have free strategy calls available that you can book HERE.

Do I have to give up my dream?

Let’s paraphrase this question:

Do I, as author and creator of life, have to give my dream (the thing I want)?

You can make a disempowering choice to give your dream if you fall into resonance with something or someone that’s calling for you to give up on your dream. Or you can make an empowering choice to stick with your dream no matter the circumstance.

The decision depends on you. But before you give up your dream, ask these questions:

  • Are you really invested in your dream?
  • Do you have more love or concern about someone or something outside of yourself than your dream?
  • Is that dream really your dream or is it something that someone else has given you?

Thank you for your question, I actually answered this on my podcast and invite you to have a listen. I also have free strategy calls available that you can book HERE.

What’s your most challenging goal?

It’s not a goal if it’s not challenging. But my most challenging goal is my quest to get a black belt in Brazilian Jujitsu. I’m still a white belter. The reason it’s challenging because I’ve fallen behind quite a bit on my fitness goals and I have not trained for months. Compared to other martial arts, it takes about 10–15 years to get a black belt in Brazilian Jujitsu.

Thank you for your question, I actually answered this on my podcast and invite you to have a listen. I also have free strategy calls available that you can book HERE.

How could I not settle in life when it comes to my dreams?

Every moment is a new opportunity to set a new course of direction for your life. Oftentimes, we wish that life has a reset button so we start anew. And good news! There is one. And it’s called the NOW.

At this exact moment, you are not a slave of your past nor trapped in an imagined future that you don’t want. RIGHT NOW, you have all the power and all the opportunity to map out a completely new life for yourself.

What happened up to this moment doesn’t matter. What matters is what you do from this moment hereafter. You can decide to stay the same and be at the mercy of circumstances. Or choose to do things differently. See life for what it is now and acknowledge that it doesn’t have to be that if you make choices right here, right now.

Thank you for your question, I actually answered this on my podcast and invite you to have a listen. I also have free strategy calls available that you can book HERE.

What in this life has ceased to amaze you?

For me, it’s the unknown. In fact, I’ve come to believe in my life that the unknown will never let you down. Every time I dive into the unknown, I always get something more amazing and brilliant than what I could have imagined.

Thank you for your question, I actually answered this on my podcast and invite you to have a listen. I also have free strategy calls available that you can book HERE.

Why is my life so mean to me?

Life gives us what we ask for. Until you don’t make a firm decision not to surrender to the pity party of life, life will always be mean to you and you will not get out of that cycle. The moment you step outside of the cycle of limiting belief, you will start to notice that life being mean to you is just an illusion.

Remember the law of attraction? If you keep on calling on negative things, negative things will come to yourself. The same is true for the opposite. Here’s the bottom line:

You are responsible for the things that have happened to your life thus far. Life being mean to you is a result of the choices you made. You know what’s secret sauce to a happy, fulfilling life? You. You are also responsible for whatever happens to your life after this moment.

The second you accept responsibility for your life and start making choices towards a life that you want at this moment, things will change. It doesn’t matter if life has been mean to you because right now you can make a choice to turn life completely around. This is not an overnight process. Breakaway from negative things one step at a time, consistently, and eventually you’ll become free.

Thank you for your question, I actually answered this on my podcast and invite you to have a listen. I also have free strategy calls available that you can book HERE.

P.S. When you are ready there are some further ways that my team and I can support you on your journey

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Daniel Mangena

Speaker, best selling author, creator of the "Beyond Intention" paradigm and host of the "Do it with Dan" podcast. Insta: @dreamerCEO