Beyond the “Why”

Daniel Mangena
4 min readNov 21, 2019


An excerpt from my best selling book, Stepping Beyond Intention

The last thing that I want to quickly talk to you about in relation to intention is Step Five: What is your Why? Why do you want what you’re creating?

So often we think we want something in our life, but it’s the influence of other people, places, and things that have given us the calling or inspiration to feel like we want what we think we want.

Maybe everyone else has one, so you feel like you need one too? Perhaps you are seeking validation or a boost in your self-esteem? Maybe you have been brought up to think this is the way it’s supposed to be done?

When we are not the true originator of the desire, what often happens is that alignment becomes more of a challenge. It may be that a temporary alignment is created, but this tends to fall away, and as a result, we either get no real joy from creating the outcome or we un-create it through self-sabotage.

The clients I have worked with who hit the brick wall of a mid-life crisis sometimes fall into this category. They work their entire adult life to be the perfect picture of someone else’s design, but when the truth of that superficial design becomes real at a soul level, the fallout can go any one of many ways. In extreme cases, it can go all the way to the darkness of depression, addiction, and in some cases, even suicide.

So I am sure you will now see that lasting creation must have total alignment, and that success is highly unlikely if you are not the originator of the desire. There’s also another favorable consideration, and that is this: When the going gets tough, as it often does, how are you going to have the gusto, the gumption, or the drive and motivation to really do what you need to do? How are you going to really work on getting the energy, right? To really work on the internal environment to hold that mindset together? What are you going to draw upon to make those tough calls and hard choices? The leverage of your why is a brilliant way to stack the cards in your favor.

Another great tool that we use in Beyond Intention is a concept we refer to as “Cleaning Your Intention.” Cleaning your Intention, which you will learn about shortly, operates on a number of levels, extending beyond the question of your “why” all the way to the spirit of the intention.

I was once challenged as to how we can “try to be God” in demanding what we want to create. The challenger’s view was that man makes plans, and God decides. I called his attention to Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

This person was quite determined to denounce their role in the creative process. I then asked them why they bothered to pray for things, and then even went so far as to point out that in the Bible, Jesus invites others to ask of the Father — in fact, he even instructs them to do so in his name.

What I am driving at here is that sometimes we have preconceived notions and ideas that have a stake not only in our why, but also in our what. Limited beliefs tend to reach into the realm of filtering out what we are able to experience, for instance, if we think what we are trying to create is out of alignment with our beliefs — or out of alignment with what we think we are permitted to have or be — then we are doomed from the get-go.

In our workshops and coaching programs, we do a lot of work with regard to undoing our resistance to this dreaming process, especially in phase two of our Ideal Life Blueprint. This is where we identify our stories, stuck states, and energy traps, then we use the power of microshifting to move through them. We also work in a way that continues to honor our beliefs as they grow, ensuring that there is space for expansion without creating more resistance. Said another way, we empower you to push your edge without pushing your buttons.

So what I’d like you to do now is clean your intention by finding stillness and silence. Then ask yourself these questions:

· Do I really want this?

· Is it really me asking for this, or is it other people, places, and things that I’ve given my power away to?

· Is this intention in alignment with my existing beliefs?

· When I’m sitting in my power and owning this, including any shadows, what is my “why”?

There may be more questions you have, but the trick is not to get overly caught up by finding yourself lost in these questions. Find a method of connecting to the silence that works for you (or book a free consultation with someone on my team to assist you) and take the time to tape, video, or journal the responses in an honest way.

Only use this model for something that you actually genuinely want, because if you follow these steps, then you WILL get it!

Once you take an intention through this process — taking it into the silence, owning where you are, looking at what the outcomes will feel like, and then sitting with the feelings of that clear picture — you’re going to be able to begin creating a roadmap, and that’s going to be a hell of a lot easier to get there.

As the author and creator of what you want to bring into your life, the true ownership of the intention must be the real ownership of your power.

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Daniel Mangena

Speaker, best selling author, creator of the "Beyond Intention" paradigm and host of the "Do it with Dan" podcast. Insta: @dreamerCEO